Next Mission: 17 - 29 november 2023

Cristina Henriques and Milousa António will undertake a mission to Maputo to do field work and collaborate with local partners from #MapeandoMeuBairro

Main tasks

  • Fieldwork for Land Use validation
  • 2nd campaign for indoor thermal comfort assessment


2nd Mission: 14 - 31 july 2023

Cristina Henriques, Victor Ferreira, Nayana Castro, and Milousa António undertook a mission to Maputo to collaborate with local partners from Faculdade de Arquitetura e Planeamento Físico - UEM and #MapeandoMeuBairro.

Main tasks

 FAPF - UEM Winter School

  • Lectures
  • Practical classes
  • Fieldwork in the neighbourhoods of Mafalala and Chamaculo C

 UAV flights

  • Fieldwork and training in Chamaculo C neighbourhood

Indoor thermal comfort assessment 

  • Indoor registration of air temperature and relative humidity
  • Seven dwellers (6 inside Mafalala neighbourhood)
  • From 20 to 29 july (10-minute period)


1st Mission: 14 - 25 june 2022

Cristina Henriques and Victor Ferreira undertook a mission to Maputo to collaborate with local partners from Faculdade de Arquitetura e Planeamento Físico - UEM and #MapeandoMeuBairro.

Main tasks


  • Lectures
  • Fieldwork in the neighbourhood of Costa do Sol

 UAV flights

  • Fieldwork and training in Costa do Sol neighbourhood