Freely avaliable data from Luco

Urban Land Use Dataset (1964-2001) of Maputo city, Mozambique

LUCO project has made available a dataset consisting of land use maps of Maputo city, excluding the urban district of KaTembe, for the years 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991 and 2001.

Urban land use has been classified according to a hierarchical classification system, and Levels I and II are available in this dataset. The detailed hierarchical nomenclature is described in Portuguese and English. Final maps, available in ESRI shapefile format, are provided in the local UTM projection (WGS 84 UTM 36 South - EPSG: 32376). They include predefined symbology-legend files for the two classification levels, for use in QGIS and ArcGIS. Additionally, each polygon is annotated with a code and description, for each level.

 The dataset is freely available at Zenodo repository.zenodo.png

UAV Flights

Images available at OpenAerialMap, uploaded by #MapeandoMeuBairro:

  • Mafalala - resolution: 5cm | date: 24/07/2023
  • ChamanculoC - resolution: 4cm | date: 24/07/2023

Platforms and datasets

Urban Africa

Agência Nacional de Desenvolvimento Geo-espacial


Public institute responsible for promoting Spatial Development Initiatives (SDIs)

GIS National Network for Mozambique

  Official Mozambique national geographic data portal
Digital Earth Africa   

Hosts a repository of Earth observation datasets spanning continental Africa

 AFRICAPOLIS: Visualize urbanisation in Africa  

A research and data visualisation tool used to map, analyse and understand urbanisation and urban growth in Africa 

Africa Knowledge Platform


A gateway to data and information on Africa's social, economic, territorial and environmental development, developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

MAPTA - Mapping Territorial Transformations in Africa 


The platform is managed by the Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC)/OECD. However, it does provide information on other regions of Africa 


UN Habitat – Urban Indicators database. Urban Observatories


To help find creative solutions to the urban information crisis, UN-Habitat developed the urban observatory model for urban data collection and analysis, in partnership with cities around the world. Urban observatories are well-positioned to address the frequently expressed need for reliable, high resolution urban datasets specific to the cities and immediate city-regions in which they operate.

UN Habitat – Urban Indicators database

  Urban indicators database

GHSL – Global Human Settlement Layer

  Open and free data and tools for assessing the human presence on the planet
SEDAC – Socioeconomic data and applications center  

Focusing on human interactions in the environment, SEDAC has as its mission to develop and operate applications that support the integration of socioeconomic and earth science data and to serve as an "Information Gateway" between earth sciences and social sciences